Songs from the Fifth Floor

in collaboration with Sélim Bendida and Lorena Lorini 

Songs from the Fifth Floor is a composition of contemporary, vintage, and local design within a domestic setting. Berry Dijkstra, a curator and collector, transforms his apartment into an exhibition space, highlighting how design elements function in an everyday environment rather than in a traditional gallery. Each object tells a story and holds a memory, carefully arranged — sometimes stacked — to achieve an ideal harmony.

The exhibition features the works of five Valencian artists: Canoa Lab., Cuatro Cuatros, Malva Office, Pablo Bolumar, and Vicent Orts. Together with Dijkstra’s collection, these works metaphorically transform the apartment into a "music box." The contrast of different styles invites the viewer to experience the exhibition as a 'musical composition' full of rhythm and melodies, where each object resonates with its own story and materiality.

This initiative is a collaboration between Dijkstra, Selim Bendida, and Lorena Lorini, driven by their mutual passion for design. As new residents of Valencia, they are eager to connect with local designers and artists to explore the city's design scene, foster new connections, and encourage collaborations that celebrate the originality of local artists.

01 Group picture WEB
02 group close-up