01 Salvador Lorente-32shoot 2 kopie

Image by Salvador Lorente       


Berry Dijkstra is a visual artist, design curator, and photographer.

His keen eye for composition, color, detail, and materiality has led to numerous cross-disciplinary collaborations with galleries, brands, and design stores. His interest in encouraging the practice of young designers, and slow design as a whole has resulted in a large network, publications, and many self-initiated shows. 



Bijenkorf, Collectible Brussels, Isola Talents, Mickey Philips, MisterDesign, Nieuwe Instituut, Shåk Gallery, Studio HENK, Tylko, Valerie Objects


De Standaard Magazine, Mãnera, Eigenhuis en Interieur,
Architectural Digest / Get clever, Elle Decoration, Dutch Design week,  Sabato, Finnish Design Shop, And C magazine, Say Hi To, Loods 5, De morgen, Weekender, Residence, De Standaard


board member


Berry Dijkstra
+316 47078351
VAT NL0013938669 B68
KVK 24417893